Ladies Auxiliary

Ladies Auxiliary

Great Plains was the first of 33 PVA Chapters across the U.S.
to form a Ladies Auxiliary to support its members.

Lois Barb Carol

  • Members can be a spouse, family member or friend of a PVA member
  • Meetings are held quarterly
  • Members support PVA members, programs, and activities
  • Members help organize chapter picnics, holiday parties, and fundraising events

McAleer/Pierce Memorial Scholarship
The Great Plains PVA Ladies Auxiliary is the founder of the McAleer/Pierce Memorial Scholarship awarded annually to Nebraska high school graduating seniors. Qualified applicants have a permanent physical disability, or have a parent with a permanent physical disability. In the scholarship’s first 30 years (1988-2018), Auxiliary members have awarded over $35,000!

Applications are due by March 1st each year.  To request an application, contact the PVA office at 402-398-1422 or download an application here.

To support the membership of the Paralyzed Veterans of America Great Plains Chapter
and to foster the continuing education of young adults with disabilities through the
McAleer/Pierce Memorial Scholarship Program.

ladies Luncheon